New York has plenty of music landmarks – Carnegie Hall, CBGB, the fateful entrance to the Dakota – but you can’t buy most of them. Then there’s 96 St. Marks Place, an eerily familiar sight to anyone who’s sorted seeds and stems on the cover of Led Zeppelin’s Physical Graffiti. The daughter of the couple who owned and lived in the five-story tenement for 50 years just sold it for $1.875 million, about 25 percent over the asking price, says Besen & Associates broker Adelaide Polsinelli. Its peculiar pedigree didn’t figure in the deal, but the spot does draw fans. “It only really looks like the album from one spot across the street, so you’ll see stoners shuffling back and forth on the sidewalk with a perplexed look,” says Spin executive editor Sia Michel, who lives down the block. “And sometimes you’ll see crusty hippie parents with guidebooks trying to point it out to their teenage kids.”
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