(Click on links to view images)
Rack of Distinction
Magazine collection out of control? Time to grow up and get a magazine rack. Check out this sleek sculptural one by William Harvey for Umbra. Called Peel, it’s made out of one sheet of aluminum that’s been perforated and bent into a very curvaceous, contemporary shape ($31.95).
89 Seventh Avenue, at 15th Street/212-929-4880
Rum Runner
You’ve impressed your guests with your masterful mojito-mixing abilities. Now don’t ruin everything by serving that minty wonder on a plain paper napkin. Instead, place several on one of these Palm Springs-inspired trays and serve them up in style. The trays come in round, square, and rectangular shapes with colorful motifs that range from trendy bamboo to groovy graphics ($29).
110 Fourth Avenue, near 12th Street/212-460-8873
64 Avenue A/212-228-0145
218 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn/718-623-1839
T. Rex Rx
If three Jurassic Parks weren’t enough to satisfy your tyrannosaur-obsessed tykes, may we suggest a three-dimensional version? This assembly-required plywood model comes in relatively friendly small ($34) and medium ($59) sizes; we’re saving our allowance for the large, which is almost six feet tall and more than eight feet long ($265).
East 59th Street, at First Avenue/212-755-9079
Heart of Glass
Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend, but for girls on a budget, glass can be the next best thing. Julie Burton and Jess Panza of verre new york know this. They make rings, droplet-style earrings, and pendant and lariat necklaces, ranging from $35 for a pair of earrings to $400 for a large medallion on a gold chain. Shown here, pendant necklace on leather cord($110).
111 Front Street, Brooklyn/718-488-7548
Fringe Benefits
Plain old red bandannas are fine for Colorado canines, but urban dogs deserve something that’s more Fifth Avenue than mountain range. Enter Bow Wow Bandannas. These whimsical triangles come in an extraordinary range of fabrics – solids, graphic prints, kitschy patterns, and holiday themes – all with beaded fringe or silky tassel fringe or even pom-pom fringe ($24).
43 Greenwich Avenue/212-352-8591
215 East 76th Street/212-734-9373
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