Facebook announced some changes to data-privacy policies and its API on the platform on Wednesday afternoon. (It also announced that an estimated 87 million people, up from the original figure of 50 million, were breached in the Cambridge Analytica fiasco.) Not long after, Tinder users on Twitter started reporting that they’d been logged out of the app and were unable to log back into it. Instead, they found themselves trapped in a feedback loop between the two platforms.
Users were first asked to log in to Facebook and then asked to provide “additional Facebook permissions” to “create fuller profiles, verify authenticity and provide support.” Tapping “Ask me” on that permission request only sent users back to the original notification asking them to log in to Facebook.
“This was part of the changes that we announced today, and we are working with Tinder to address this issue,” a Facebook representative told Select All. In the meanwhile, maybe try sliding into some Twitter DMs? Seems like everybody who got booted from Tinder is there, complaining about Tinder, anyway.
Update, April 5, 2018, 8:35 a.m.: Tinder’s log-in problem was fixed later on Wednesday night. “A technical issue prevented some users from accessing our service earlier today. We found a resolution and quickly resumed service. We ask our users to ensure that they have updated the app and are running the most recent version,” a Tinder representative told Select All.