The Best Bet

Photo: Boru O'Brien O'Connell

The current surge in sake connoisseurship takes myriad forms: East Village emporium Sakaya has doubled its selection since opening three years ago; the annual Joy of Sake tasting event on September 23 will offer a record 339 varieties ($90;; and then there’s the advances in at-home pourers, like this fugu-inspired Sake Bomb ($100 at Annie’s Blue Ribbon General Store, 365 State St., nr. Bond St., Boerum Hill; 718-522-9848). The ceramic decanter, from model turned designer Alexander Purcell’s Aprro firm, works with both chilled and hot sakes (just nuke it in the microwave for a minute). The cleverest touch: Four glasses fit on the spines for easy stowing.

The Best Bet