Like, Totally

Photo: Geffen

Posted May 23, 2006
The Like is a teenage rock band, and a privileged one at that—lead singer Elizabeth and bassist Charlotte both have producer dads; drummer Tennessee has known Elvis Costello since she was a child. The girls are also Teen Vogue regulars with a penchant for Olsen-twin style. If you can overcome these things (or happily embrace them, like me), you’re in for a good surprise. Despite their need for fake IDs, the girls have a full sound and a strong voice that could belong to a much older band (like Plumb or even the Yeah Yeah Yeahs). Their melodies are deep and sweeping, their bass and drums crash at just the right beats, and if the lyrics are a little bit adolescent (and they are, but only sometimes), it somehow makes the band live up to its name: you’ll like them, you’ll really like them.

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Like, Totally