Flushing CSA
This newly organized CSA is supplied by Long Island’s Golden Earthworm Organic Farm, which focuses on heirloom strains and wide variety. Started by a former chef, it grows close to 100 types of vegetables on its 100 acres, including hakurei, a Japanese turnip, and greens like bronze mignonette and deer’s-tongue lettuce. A few fruits make it into the mix, but members can also get a full share of tree fruit from nearby Briermere Farms for $151 more.
Hours: Thursdays, 5 to 8 p.m., 31-30 138th St., Flushing; 646-801-4021.
Price: $523 for 26 weeks; sign up by May 25.
Fulton Market CSA
This program almost makes it possible to avoid the grocery store altogether. Central New York’s Norwich Meadows Farm provides standard vegetables (cucumbers, corn, broccoli) but also more exotic items (tomatillos, purslane, sunchokes). And there are fruit shares to be had (from $132), along with optional deliveries of milk, yogurt, honey, beef, and even granola.
Hours: Wednesdays, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., Downtown Kitchen, 160 South St., nr. Dover St.; fultonmarketcsa.wordpress.com.
Price: $360 for 22 weeks.
High Point Farms
An all-meat CSA from the Finger Lakes, High Point shifted this year from a more standard model to a customizable one in which members place specific orders throughout the season. Offerings delivered in biweekly installments include grass-fed beef; eggs, MSG-free sausages; turkeys for Thanksgiving; and even the occasional duck, lamb, or rabbit.
Hours: Every other Wednesday, 4:30 to 7 p.m., First Unitarian Congregational Society, 50 Monroe Pl., at Pierrepont St., Brooklyn Heights; 607-387-4950.
Price: From $250; June through November.
Cream of the Crop
Because this CSA organizes its own deliveries, its range of goods is particularly wide. Hepworth Farm (about 70 miles north of the city) provides the weekly allotments of about a dozen vegetables, but there are also shares for fruit ($220), dairy products, boneless chicken breasts, and pickled vegetables and jams. Specialty farmers set up a mini-market at the pickup site and plan to launch online orders this year.
Hours: Tuesdays, 5 to 7 p.m., Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, 263 W. 86th St., at West End Ave.; creamofthecropcsa.org.
Price: From $375 for 24 weeks.