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Brett Kavanaugh
Everything to Know About the #BelieveSurvivors Walkout Supporting Christine FordA national walkout is being organized to support Christine Blasey Ford and to protest against Brett Kavanaugh.
brett kavanaugh
Polls: Kavanaugh’s Popularity Hits New Lows After Ford AccusationIn multiple surveys, his numbers are underwater — a rare feat for a Supreme Court nominee.
garrett ventry
Aide Who Guided Kavanaugh Strategy Quits Over Sexual Harassment AllegationGarrett Ventry also worked for the PR firm that has been trying to undermine Christine Ford’s credibility.
the kavanaugh hearings
Christine Ford Wanted to Leave Country If Kavanaugh Became Supreme Court JusticeHer husband says she was overwhelmed with anxiety over the possibility of her alleged attacker becoming so powerful.
christine ford
Grassley Reportedly Gives Ford Until Saturday Afternoon to Decide on TestifyingAfter waffling on his initial ultimatum, the Senate Judiciary Chairman grudgingly extended the deadline.
the kavanaugh confirmation
Grassley Closes, then Reopens Talks with Ford Over TestimonyLooks like Republicans have decided they’ve got the votes to confirm Kavanaugh and will no longer try to look sympathetic to the judge’s accuser.
student protests
Inside The Daily’s Powerful Episode About High-School Sexual AssaultThe podcast’s “A High School Assault” is a quiet, bracing, and emotional listen.
sexual assault
the kavanaugh confirmation
Christian Right Leaders Want Senate to Ignore Assault Charges Against KavanaughConservative Evangelicals like Ralph Reed and Franklin Graham want their SCOTUS justice even if he hasn’t been cleared of attempted rape charges.
necessary language
the kavanaugh hearings
Kavanaugh Ally Regrets Tweeting Rape Allegation on Basis of Google Maps SearchMeanwhile, new evidence suggests that Brett Kavanaugh played a role in generating the theory that his look-alike assaulted Christine Ford.
the kavanaugh hearings
Joe Biden Hopes Kavanaugh’s Accuser Will Be Treated Better Than Anita Hill“Anita Hill was vilified when she came forward … I wish I could’ve done more to prevent those questions and the way they asked them.”
the kavanaugh hearings
Kavanaugh Accuser Christine Blasey Ford Opens Negotiations Over TestimonyHer attorneys told Senate staffers she’s willing to testify on Thursday if they offer “terms that are fair and which ensure her safety.”
the kavanaugh hearings
Kavanaugh Backer Offers Bonkers Theory: Ford Was Assaulted by His Doppelg¨¨angerEd Whelan tweeted out the results of his online sleuthing, but rather than clearing Kavanaugh, he showed why a real investigation is necessary.
the kavanaugh hearings
Christine Ford ‘Fell Off the Face of the Earth Socially’ After Alleged AssaultFormer friends and classmates recalled a shift in her behavior after the alleged assault.
the kavanaugh hearings
What’s Going on With the Kavanaugh Sexual-Assault Hearing?All the latest news on the public hearing over Christine Blasey Ford’s sexual-assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh.
the kavanaugh hearings
the kavanaugh hearings
Democratic Women Fear America Not Ready for a Woman As PresidentIt may take a midterm win driven by women to convince Democrats that it’s not risky to run a woman against Trump in 2020.
Professor Reportedly Told Students Kavanaugh Would Only Hire ‘Model-Like’ WomenYale professor Amy Chua would apparently tell students it was “no accident” that all Kavanaugh’s female clerks “look like models.”
the kavanaugh hearings
A Running List of Excuses Team Kavanaugh Has Tried OutTheir tactics in dealing with the misconduct allegations have been numerous, and sometimes contradictory.
the kavanaugh hearings
If Kavanaugh Goes Down, Will Republican Voters Be Discouraged or Enraged?Losing Kavanugh could be a buzzkill for the Republican base in November, unless Democrats wind up getting the blame.
the kavanaugh hearings
Republicans Regain Confidence in Fight to Confirm KavanaughRepublicans who initially stood up for Ford appear to have accepted their colleagues’ argument that she deserves a speedy hearing, but no FBI probe.
the kavanaugh hearings
the kavanaugh hearings
Senator Claire McCaskill Says She Will Not Vote to Confirm Brett KavanaughShe calls the allegations against him disturbing, but says that is not the reason for her decision.
the kavanaugh hearings
2018 midterms
Why Mississippi Could Determine Who Controls the Senate and the Supreme CourtEverything could come down to a late-November special election runoff in the Magnolia State.
the kavanaugh confirmation
Is the Anti-Abortion Movement Just Applied Anti-Feminism?More and more, those who oppose legalized abortion seem motivated by animus toward women’s rights. The Kavanaugh fight could make that even clearer.
the kavanaugh hearings
Another Judge, Another Woman, Another Slap in the FaceHistory repeats itself, but it’s usually a little less blatant than this.
the national circus
Frank Rich: A Moment of Truth for Brett Kavanaugh?Given the threats she’s braving, it is hard to blame Christine Blasey Ford if she elects not to testify in Washington on Monday. But I hope she does.
the kavanaugh hearings
supreme court
GOP Rejects Kavanaugh Accuser’s Call for FBI Probe After Saying They Want FactsSenator Grassley said he’ll limit testimony to Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, and quickly rejected her request for a full investigation.
supreme court
Read the Letter From Christine Blasey Ford Requesting an FBI InvestigationFord’s attorneys say that following her sexual assault allegation against Brett Kavanaugh she received death threats, forcing her out of her home.
the kavanaugh hearings
the kavanaugh confirmation
Meet Brett Kavanaugh’s Alleged Accomplice, Mark JudgeKavanaugh’s accuser alleges that his high-school buddy, who has since become a writer, was in the room during the assault.
the kavanaugh hearings
the kavanaugh hearings
the kavanaugh hearings
Kavanaugh Is Becoming a Headache the GOP Could Do WithoutEven as they try to save Trump’s Supreme Court pick, Republicans are preparing for a “post-Kavanaugh” world.
the kavanaugh hearings
Will Trump Stick With Kavanaugh Come Hell or High Water?It might be more rational to dump Kavanaugh and go with another SCOTUS nominee. But presidential rage may come into play.
science of us
the kavanaugh hearings
Anita Hill Warns That History Could Repeat Itself During the Kavanaugh HearingsShe explains how to avoid the mistakes of the 1991 Clarence Thomas hearings in the New York Times.
the kavanaugh hearings
sexual assault
Everything to Know About the Brett Kavanaugh Sexual-Assault AllegationAll about the Kavanaugh sexual-assault-allegation letter, his accuser, and how senators have reacted.
brett kavanaugh
Senate to Hold Public Hearing on Kavanaugh Sexual-Assault AllegationSenator Grassley said Monday’s session will “give these recent allegations a full airing,” with Christine Ford and Brett Kavanaugh set to testify.
the kavanaugh confirmation
Why the Clock Is Ticking on Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court NominationIf Brett Kavanaugh isn’t confirmed soon, Trump’s mission to reshape the Supreme Court could get dicier.
reading the signs
Brett Kavanaugh Will Pretend You Don’t ExistWhat his alleged attack on a young woman tells us about how he uses power.
the kavanaugh confirmation
Trump Should Have Nominated a Woman to the Supreme CourtTrump’s famous vetting process did not protect him from a SCOTUS nominee who may join the president as a presumed sexual predator.
sexual assault
Over 200 Women Sign Letter in Support of Kavanaugh’s AccuserAlumnae of Christine Blasey Ford’s high school have released a letter saying they believe her.
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