Displaying all articles tagged:
Brett Kavanaugh
supreme court
Aug. 21, 2018
Kavanaugh Thinks Roe v. Wade Is ‘Settled Law.’ That Doesn’t Mean It’s Safe. Kavanaugh echoes John Roberts’s assurance that he acknowledges precedents protecting abortion rights. But precedents have been and will be overturned.
civil rights
Aug. 16, 2018
Conservative Christian Baker Back in Court Over a Gender-Transition Cake Jack Phillips is probably hoping to get a better answer from a Supreme Court where Brett Kavanaugh has replaced Anthony Kennedy.
everybody hates brett
Aug. 16, 2018
Only 28 Percent of Women Want Kavanaugh to Be a Supreme Court Justice A new CNN poll confirms that most women across party lines don’t like Trump’s Supreme Court nominee.
supreme court
Aug. 16, 2018
Poll: Brett Kavanaugh Is the Most Unpopular Supreme Court Pick in Decades A plurality of Americans want the Senate to reject Kavanaugh, with only 28 percent of women supporting his ascension to the high court.
brett kavanaugh
Aug. 11, 2018
Kavanaugh Is Encountering Little Resistance on His Way to the Supreme Court The likely unwinnable battle to derail his nomination lacks the energy of last year’s health care fight.
the supremes
Aug. 10, 2018
Brett Kavanaugh’s Confirmation Hearings to Begin September 4 Senate Republicans are hoping to have him seated before the start of the court’s October term.
The GOP Is Setting Up a Narrow Window for the Kavanaugh Confirmation Chuck Grassley says he hopes to wrap it all up by the beginning of October, and his party had better hope he’s not off by much.
Collins and Murkowski Show No Signs of Bucking the GOP on Kavanaugh Confirmation While still officially undecided, the two putatively pro-choice GOP senators are helping their party smooth Brett Kavanaugh’s path to confirmation.
Rand Paul Remains the GOP Rebel Who Rarely Rebels Paul quickly abandoned his concerns about Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, not with a bang but a whimper.
Ignore Polling: Abortion is in Danger in GOP-Controlled States A state’s willingness to restrict abortion is based less on public opinion than the power of the GOP.
Rand Paul Is Pretending That He Might Not Vote for Brett Kavanaugh Judging by the senator’s past behavior, Mitch McConnell doesn’t have too much to worry about.
Red State Democrats Have No Good Reason to Vote for Brett Kavanaugh There is little political or moral sense in making his confirmation easier for Republicans.
Anti-Abortion Activists Have No Doubts About Kavanaugh to SCOTUS If Brett Kavanaugh really hasn’t made up his mind about Roe v. Wade , why is the right-to-life movement fighting for his confirmation?
McConnell to Dems: Delay Kavanaugh’s Confirmation at Your Own Peril McConnell is prepared to push confirmation hearings into October — and thus, keep vulnerable red-state Democrats off the campaign trail.
The Double Down From Hell: Trump Invites Putin to D.C. for Second Meeting At a time when Trump needs to be focused on SCOTUS and the midterms, he may instead be entertaining his toxic twin Vladimir Putin.
California Democrats Endorse de León Over Feinstein Feinstein remains the favorite, but the party endorsement keeps de León alive, with the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings taking on a new dimension.
last night on late night
July 14, 2018
Did Trump Nominate Brett Kavanaugh Because of His Horrible Taste in Food? The Supreme Court nominee, a law-school roommate revealed, was known as the ‘pasta with ketchup’ guy.
A 2017 Kavanaugh Speech Will Provoke Controversy in His SCOTUS Confirmation The speech that helped elevate Kavanaugh to Trump’s SCOTUS list doesn’t prove prejudgment of a challenge to Roe v. Wade , but it raises big questions.
Kavanaugh Ran Up Huge Credit-Card Debt From Baseball Tickets, White House Says Trump’s Supreme Court pick loves baseball so much that he had credit card debt of $60,000 to $200,000. What could be more “all American”?
Manchin, Donnelly Begin to Lay Groundwork for Voting to Confirm Kavanaugh Democratic senators who don’t have healthy leads when the Kavanaugh vote comes up will probably hear “the people” call for his confirmation.
Amy Coney Barrett Looks Like a Future Trump SCOTUS Pick Barrett made a strong impression on Donald Trump, who can just see her and her large family at a photo op announcing a future SCOTUS nomination.
Never Mind, the Handmaid’s Tale Wine Has Been Canceled Guess we’ll have to toast our imminent reproductive dystopia with non-branded wine now.
last night on late night
July 11, 2018
Colbert Says Trump’s SCOTUS Pick Sets the Stage for The Purge: Mother’s Day And here you thought the overturning of Roe v. Wade was the worst thing that could happen.
Last Resort: How Maine Democrats Can Save Roe v. Wade Beating on Senate Democrats to oppose Brett Kavanaugh would be divisive and wouldn’t matter anyway. Giving Susan Collins a free ride in 2020 would.
Brett Kavanaugh’s Qualifications Don’t Matter When Kavanaugh hands down opinions that limit voting rights and abortion access, ordinary Americans will not care how well written they are.
Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS Confirmation Is in the GOP’s Hands There are three Republican senators to watch. If they stay in line, nothing else matters.
How Picking Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court Could Benefit Trump Personally Trump happened to nominate the one judge on his list who’s argued we shouldn’t “burden” the president with civil suits or criminal investigations.
After Stealing SCOTUS Seat, GOP Blasts Dems for Partisan Opposition to Kavanaugh As the battle over Trump’s Supreme Court pick officially began, Republicans painted the left’s fears about health care and abortion as hysterical.
the supreme court
July 9, 2018
With Brett Kavanaugh, Trump Passes Up Chance to Have a Woman Do His Dirty Work Nominating a woman to repeal Roe v. Wade would have been canny and dastardly. But it’s no surprise that he went with a white man instead.
Kavanaugh: A Safe Supreme Court Pick Who Will Carry Out the GOP’s Extreme Agenda He’s a careful jurist whose murky abortion stance will make it easier for pro-choice GOP senators to pretend that the future of Roe v. Wade is secure.
Supreme Court Countdown: Who’s Got the Inside Track? The president may genuinely still be undecided about who he’ll nominate.
Trump Wants Suspense Before Another Reality-Show SCOTUS Reveal The White House deployed some misdirection before the Gorsuch announcement, and that could happen again leading up to the big announcement.
Kavanaugh Remains SCOTUS Front-runner Despite Right-Wing Backlash Abortion hard-liners and Bush haters are prominent in attacks on Kavanaugh, but he’s no Harriet Miers, and remains the front-runner for Trump’s nod.
A Look at Trump’s Shortlist for Replacing Anthony Kennedy Don’t expect any surprises given Trump’s unusual self-discipline in keeping his judicial promises to conservatives.
Case of Imprisoned Immigrant Seeking Legal Abortion Could Be Headed to SCOTUS The D.C. Court of Appeals has ordered the Trump administration to let a detained immigrant secure an abortion. But the government could appeal.
Trump Admin & Appeals Court Keep Imprisoned Immigrant From Having Abortion The GOP is bending to the right-to-life movement in an effort to deny a woman in federal custody the right to choose.