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Surprisingly, Julian Assange Might Be a Free Man Soon The WikiLeaks founder is reportedly in talks with the DOJ about a plea deal.
Will Julian Assange Finally Be Extradited to America? If his lawyers can’t extend his appeal, the WikiLeaks founder will face espionage charges in the U.S.
The Ballad of Barrett Brown He was a “preppy anarchist” who went to jail for his fight against the surveillance state. Was it all for nothing?
conspiracy theories
Sept. 3, 2022
When Sean Hannity Made Life Hell for Seth Rich’s Family When Fox News revived a conspiracy theory about a murdered DNC staffer, his family came under blistering assault and decided, finally, to fight back.
Julian Assange Could Be on Trial in the U.S. Soon A British high court ruled that he can be extradited to America, where he faces espionage charges.
Why Is Vivienne Westwood in a Cage? It’s a lot more than a fashion statement.
Assange Indicted Under Espionage Act, Raising First Amendment Questions Assange claims he is a journalist, but the Justice Department appears to be treating him as if he were a whistle-blower like Edward Snowden.
Did Donald Trump Jr. Break Computer Law? Never ever use a password that mysteriously appears in your DMs.
Hiding Out With the Stand-up Comic Who Could Put Roger Stone in Prison Randy Credico seems to be a key witness for Robert Mueller against longtime frenemy Roger Stone. But he’s scared as hell.
russia investigation
Jan. 25, 2019
Longtime Trump Adviser Roger Stone Indicted in Mueller Probe Stone is charged with making false statements and trying to tamper with a witness to hide his efforts to learn about hacked Democratic emails.
Roger Stone Sought Clinton Emails From Assange in September 2016 New emails reveal Stone sought access to stolen dirt from WikiLeaks — and recently warned an associate not to “run your mouth” to investigators.
russia investigation
May 20, 2018
Roger Stone Says He’s ‘Prepared’ to Be Indicted by Mueller Two of Stone’s associates have recently been served with subpoenas, so the investigation may finally be closing in on the longtime Trump adviser.
Report: Mueller Investigating Whether Roger Stone Had Dinner With Assange Stone says he was joking when he claimed to have eaten with the WikiLeaks founder.
Sweden Drops Rape Investigation of Julian Assange The WikiLeaks founder’s lawyer called it “a total victory.”
The U.S. May Be Preparing to Charge WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange It’s still unclear how they could charge him without creating legal problems for mainstream journalists.
early and awkward
Apr. 14, 2017
Mike Pompeo Is Anti-WikiLeaks, Now That He’s CIA Director While he once promoted hacked DNC emails, now he thinks WikiLeaks is “a non-state hostile intelligence service” abetted by the likes of Russia.
What’s Not in the WikiLeaks Documents Is More Important Than What Is Government officials and security researchers disagree on their implications.
It’s Time to Assume Your TV Is Bugged If a device can connect to the internet, it will be compromised.
last night on late night
Mar. 8, 2017
No, the CIA Hasn’t Compromised Signal and WhatsApp Signal’s end-to-end encryption is still safe from the CIA’s prying eyes.
WikiLeaks Releases CIA Hacking Exploits What’s compromised? It’s easier to ask what isn’t.
Trump Calls Attention Paid to Russian Hacking a ‘Witch Hunt’ The president-elect is also calling for an investigation into intelligence leaks to NBC.
Something Weird (or Weirder Than Normal) Is Happening at WikiLeaks Some suspicious files are causing Reddit and other message boards to wonder if WikiLeaks has been compromised.
early and often
Nov. 6, 2016
Clinton Considered Releasing Her Wall Street Speeches on ‘Transparency Day’ After Clinton’s top aides found out about her private email server, some advised her to lay all of her cards before the public in a one-day news dump.
early and often
Oct. 27, 2016
Bill Clinton Mixed Charity and Personal Business, Says Aide’s Leaked Memo In leaked emails, Doug Band describes steering corporations to the Clinton Foundation and the former president — and feuds with Chelsea Clinton.
Sanders: My Campaign Sent Mean Emails About the Other Side, Too The Vermont senator is unfazed by being dissed in the Clinton team’s emails, saying, “That’s what happens in campaigns.”
Trump and Clinton Debate Who Is More of a Puppet for Putin Trump had Clinton cornered on immigration. Then, he went out of his way to defend the leadership of Vladimir Putin.
‘Citizen Journalism’ Is a Catastrophe Right Now, and It’ll Only Get Worse In theory, the internet could be a great place for crowdsourced journalism, analysis, and debunking. In theory.
If You’re Ever Dissed in a Hacked Email, Try to Respond Like Larry Lessig WikiLeaks revealed that some Clinton aides hate Larry Lessig. Lessig is outraged – that those aides had their privacy violated.
Clinton’s Initial VP List Included Bill Gates, Tim Cook, and Bernie Sanders WikiLeaks reveals that a democratic socialist and the “billionaire class” were both early veepstakes contenders.
hacked emails
Oct. 15, 2016
Here Are Hillary Clinton’s Goldman Sachs Speeches The unauthenticated transcripts of Clinton’s remarks at three Goldman Sachs events in 2013 have been released by WikiLeaks.
Sanders Dismisses Relevance of Hacked Emails, But Some on the Left Feel Burned “The job of the progressive movement now is to look forward, not backward,” Sanders said Wednesday. Some of his former supporters disagree.
Trump Says His Accusers Are Pawns in a Global Conspiracy to End U.S. Sovereignty Trump says he is only being accused of sexual assault because he stands in the way of Clinton’s plan to sell America to “international bankers.”
6 Insights From the Latest Batch of Clinton Emails The vice-chair of the DNC leaked a town-hall question to Clinton and Blink 182’s Tom DeLonge conferred regularly with her campaign manager about UFOs.
all the small things
Oct. 10, 2016
Blink-182’s T. DeLonge Takes UFO Info to the Top WikiLeaks uncovered the clandestine extraterrestrial research.
If Trump Weren’t a Monster, Clinton’s Leaked Speeches Would Be Devastating On Friday, WikiLeaks revealed Clinton’s closed-door speeches to Goldman Sachs. It’s no mystery why she wanted to keep them secret.
WikiLeaks Cancels Expected Clinton-Related Announcement Over ‘Security Concerns’ Trump surrogate Roger Stone claimed that the reveal would derail Clinton’s campaign.
Swedish Court Upholds Warrant in Rape Case Against WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange He will still be questioned next month at the Ecuadorian embassy about the case.
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