(Click on links to view images)
Shooting Star
Kodak’s Advantix Preview camera uses regular APS film, but after you snap the picture you can preview the image in color on a 1.8-inch LCD screen. If it’s a shot you love, you can automatically preorder extra prints; if not, select zero to advance to the next frame and try again ($299).
820 Third Avenue, at 50th Street/212-832-2102; 498 Seventh Avenue, at 37th Street/212-279-9200
Writing’s on the Wall
John Derian admits to having terrible handwriting, which is perhaps why he is so fascinated by penmanship. “I love old letters and I love mail,” says the designer; “I always keep my eyes open for good, scripty pieces.” The decoupage letter tray at left was made using an envelope he found in Italy. It is one of four fourteen-by-nine-inch felt-backed glass trays that are great for serving snacks or simply hanging on a wall ($165).
927 Madison Avenue, near 73rd Street/212-628-4500
233 Elizabeth Street/212-334-4330
The Paper Route
There are a few of us who still prefer paper to Palm, who actually relish the painstaking pleasures of re-penciling important dates into a new date book each year. If you’re one of those people, and you find yourself in the first week of 2001 without said book, Industries Stationery Store (IS) has 2001 agendas, designed by Drew Souza, in bright orange, navy blue, and butterscotch ($28 for regular, $25 for mini).
136 West 17th Street/212-620-0300
Rainbow Coalition
Missoni, the Italian fashion house famous for its bold colors and intricate patterns, has introduced a home collection featuring pillows, throws, bedding, table linens, rugs, and towels (shown here). The line is perfect both for those who constantly crave color, and for minimalists who want to add a splash of color to a beige-on-beige space (washcloth, $11; hand towel, $31; bath towel, $70).
1009 Madison Avenue, at 78th Street/212-517-9339
Hang Ten
The anxiously awaited semi-annual shoe sales started about a month ago at stores large and small all over town. By now your closet is bulging with the bargain booty, sexy stilettos fighting toe-to-toe with sensible loafers for storage space. Keep the peace and invest in a hanging bag. It’s cotton canvas, so shoes breathe, and will hold six pairs, whether they were on sale or not ($58).
375 West Broadway/212-343-7070
85 Fifth Avenue, at 16th Street/212-627-5885
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