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The (Sad) Upside to Rapists Posting on FacebookA “horrifying new trend” gets to the heart of so-called rape culture.
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Todd Akins Abound in Virginia RacesThree GOP nominees have a history of saying crazy things about women.
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Yale Fined for Underreporting Campus RapeSo ends the Department of Education’s seven-year investigation.
A Cut Guide to Showing Your Midriff This SummerFrom midriff peepholes and sheer panels to crop tops and full-on free-boobing.
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The ‘End of Men’ Spreads to BritainIt’s all “Viagra and Jack Daniels,” says a senior Labour Party MP.
Confirmed: Men Not FunnyCourtesy Ellie Kemper and GQ commenters.
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On Christine Quinn: Must We (All) Talk About Our Eating Disorders?Though rampant, eating disorders are still a source of embarrassment among powerful women.
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What Did Tabloids Think Angelina Jolie Was Up to During Her Double Mastectomy? Planning her wedding, selling jewelry for Afghanistan, hanging out with ex Billy Bob Thornton.
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Japanese Mayor Believes in the Power of Sex Slaves“Necessary” to “maintain discipline in the military,” he says.
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Meet Martha Stewart’s Match.com Dates“This is real reality,” Stewart says.
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Military Sexual Assault: Not Patriotic, Still CommonYesterday’s alleged Air Force assault reinforced by new Pentagon report.
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How Stressed Should We Be About Super Gonorrhea?Dinner-with-in-laws stressed? College-exam stressed? Mortgage-foreclosure stressed?
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Girl Talk With Greta Gerwig and Mickey Sumner“Greta was just this big, open heart in a big, leather jacket that I just wanted to crawl inside.”
How the Heck Is Martha Stewart Still Single?“I didn’t recognize you with clothes on,” she told Gabby Douglas.
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Meet the FBI’s First Most Wanted Lady-TerroristShe’s a black social-movement figure and step-aunt to Tupac Shakur.
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Lindsay Lohan Went to the Wrong RehabIt’s not court-approved, but you can smoke there.
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