Best Post-Secondary Ed Class

Murray’s Cheese U.
254 Bleecker St., at Cornelia St. 212-243-3289
A few hours of sipping wine and deciphering the difference between a stinky rind and a bloomy curd is just not enough. Recently, the mongers at Murray’s launched a cheese college complete with exams and a graduation certificate—if you pass. Targeted at the budding fromage freak, Cheese U. offers a weekend boot camp ($495) that immerses students in five intensive seminars including the history of milk, a cheesemaking demonstration, pairing with wine and beer, and the flavors of more than 30 cheeses. If one weekend is not enough, for $795 you can get an even more comprehensive, six-week course. Either way, Velveeta is not on the list.

Best Post-Secondary Ed Class