For a few days, crush-struck Facebook denizens had some much-needed respite from the constant monitoring of their would-be love’s relationship status. Rather than obsessively check for changes, they could sign up for the stalker-approved Breakup Notifier app and get a message if the status was updated. And 3.6 million of them did. In less than a week. But today Facebook decided to ban the app, citing the large number of calls to the company’s API (the interface that lets apps into Facebook’s system). But focusing on Facebook’s policy (it recently banned another app for a similar reason) misses the point. 3.6 million people signed up in less than a week. I think we have all learned something about ourselves today, Internet. We are pathetic getting lazy. So let’s put down our smartphones and get back to stalking the way Mark Zuckerberg intended: hitting refresh in a darkened room.
Crush-Stalking App Breakup Notifier Amasses Over 3.6M Users, Is Shut Down By Facebook [TechCrunch]