Six months after Gawker and the Toronto Star reported on the existence of a video showing Toronto mayor Rob Ford smoking crack, the video has finally turned up — in the hands of the Toronto police. Police Chief Bill Blair announced this morning that a months-long investigation by his department recovered the infamous clip, as well as at least one other “relevant” video. They will one day be shown in court, and it will be a glorious day, and there will be much rejoicing throughout the Internet.
Although Blair could not reveal all the details of the investigation’s findings, Ford’s drug-dealer friend Alexandra Sandro Lisi has been charged with extortion, and Ford, as of now, has not been charged with anything. But Ford, who has maintained throughout the controversy that no video exists, still seems incredibly screwed. This morning, outside his home, he was not taking the newest developments well.
Even in the worst of times, Canadians can’t help but say thank you.