chances of a lifetime

White House Spokesman Briefly Becomes Guided by Voices Spokesman

Like many middle-aged, glasses-wearing dudes of a certain type (as well as some other people), White House spokesman Jay Carney is very into Guided By Voices. Last year, he talked to the Washington Post about his decades of love for the band, saying, “For sheer creative abundance, [frontman Robert Pollard] is in a class of his own.” The Post also noted that Carney has referenced GBV at least twice in his capacity as President Obama’s press guy: In 2011, he mistakenly called Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell by the name of the band’s guitarist, Mitch Mitchell. And, in 2012, he pointed out that Dayton, Ohio is “the home of the Wright brothers, the Dayton Peace Accords and Guided by Voices, the greatest rock-and-roll band in the modern era.” So, Saturday night must have been a very exciting one for Carney, because he got to introduce his heroes at D.C.’s Black Cat.

Here’s a video of the excited fanboy’s brief time as GBV’s spokesman:

And here’s a clearer shot of Carney getting ready to rock:

You can be anyone they told you to, Jay Carney!

Jay Carney Introduces Guided by Voices