But not too many.
“When venturing outside, make sure you go with one other person you can trust. If you try to go with three, it can get hard to keep track of each other, or the other two could gang up and turn on you or leave you behind.” —Shinji Mikami
But don’t waste ammo.
“There is no point in fighting zombies unless you want to cleanse a specific area. Otherwise you’ll waste ammo and they will come back. Pick a defensible location: Consider a pier, assuming the zombies are of the nonaquatic variety. Otherwise, try a thick-walled apartment building with some space around it to set up lanes of fire or access routes.” —Adrian Ciszewski, game producer, Dead Island
But if you do, don’t deny it.
“If you’re not sick but are what we call the ‘worried well,’ stay off the phone and out of the ER. But if you’re bitten by a zombie, don’t hide it! That’s always the guy who screws everything up—he doesn’t tell anyone he’s been bitten, and then in the middle of this trusted team of people suddenly you have a zombie. Of course, I’m working under the assumption that we can help the bitten. But even if that’s not the case, even if you’re doomed, owning up to the infection is another way of being a hero.”—Rear Admiral (Ret.) Ali Khan, M.D., director, Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention