65 º
Nat Sherman Walk-in Humidor
Flee from the oppressive Fifth Avenue shopping crowds to this tobacco humidor (500 Fifth Ave., at 42nd St.).
63 º
The cosmetic emporium is colder in the summer to keep makeup from melting (597 Fifth Ave., at 48th St.).
62 º
The Atlantic Ocean
Available up and down the Eastern Seaboard.
58 º
Late Show With David Letterman
Notoriously chilled studios: Get tickets at the CBS lobby or call the hotline at 11 a.m. for same-day seats (CBS Studios, 1697 Broadway, at 53rd St.; 212 247-6497).
55 º
The Wine Cellar at ‘21’ Club
The basement dining room was a clandestine liquor locker during Prohibition (21 W. 52nd St., nr. Fifth Ave.).
50 º
Kaufman Furs
The giant vault is like the wardrobe-conduit to icy Narnia (232 W. 30th St., at Seventh Ave.).
50 º
The Sky Rink at Chelsea Piers
Skate free on Sundays and order ice cream from the snack bar (Pier 61, 23rd Street and the Hudson River).
45 º
Great Jones Spa Cold Plunge
Book any treatment at this subterranean space, and spend the entire afternoon wading in the refreshing cool water (29 Great Jones St., at Lafayette St.).
41 º
Ariston Florist Flower Refrigerator
Like the Chelsea wholesalers nearby, they chill and mist their wares, too (69 Fifth Ave., at 14th St.).
40 º
Fairway Harlem Cold Room
A giant refrigerated warehouse that gives customers down jackets to shop in: Browse the fish aisle until your lashes are sticky with frost (2328 Twelfth Ave., at 132nd St.).
Summer Stuff for Last-Minute Planners, Students, Workaholics, and the Jitney-Averse
• Agendas for Hipsters and More
• How to Pretend You’re In Brazil
• Ten Thermometer-Tested Cool Escapes
• The Best Summer Reading
• Ten Great Nano-Vacations
• Rent a Summer Place After All