Miss Lily’s Variety, at 130 West Houston Street, which opened this week right next door to Miss Lily’s luncheonette (www.misslilysnyc.com), gives us another reason to celebrate Serge Becker and Matt Goias’s presentation of Caribbean fare and flare. The West Indian”themed store provides vinyl records, jewelry, and books alongside great food and juices. This is the view as you enter the shop; Miss Lily’s Bake Shop and Melvin’s Juice Box are past the exit sign. Photo: Wendy Goodman
You will also find a D.J. booth for spinning on the spot. Photo: Wendy Goodman
An array of hard-to-find records and books are at your fingertips.Photo: Wendy Goodman
For years, Melvin cheerfully served up delicious juice concoctions at LifeThyme. Now he presides over his own Juice Box, which has a gorgeous and spirited team. Pictured, from left, Ashley, Kim, Melvin, and Shoshana. Photo: Wendy Goodman
The Juice Box’s ready-to-juice fresh produce. Photo: Wendy Goodman
Opposite the juice bar you can sit and relax at tables or at seating by the window in the café space.Photo: Wendy Goodman
The low-key décor is inspired by Jamaican and West Indian stores in Kingston, Jamaica, and Brooklyn and Queens. Photo: Wendy Goodman
Jungle Fever by Jean-Paul Goude, beside jewelry designs by Kaya Jackson, That’s Mona!, and Live Again Design Studio. Photo: Wendy Goodman