Carroll Gardens: There’s a new indie bookstore on Court Street called Pranga. Check the back for used books, CDs, and DVDs. [423Smith]
Midtown: Is the city’s second-tallest building the Chrysler or Renzo Piano’s Times-tower-in-progress at Eighth and 41st? Surprisingly, that’s debatable. [i’m not sayin’, i’m just sayin’]
Tribeca: All that’s left of an 1800s tenement at One York is a façade, to be worked into architect Enrique Norten’s new luxury condo. [Curbed]
Upper East Side: Madame, the climbing hydrangeas are hurt! In these hypercivilized parts, even vandals are reprimanded politely. [flickr/Stu_Jo]
Upper West Side: Philip Milstein, who just bought Leonard Bernstein’s Dakota digs for $25.5 million isn’t famous in a celebrity way, but he sure is rich. [Gawker]
Williamsburg: In the area’s Hasidic south, the Oorah “donate your car” billboard just got weirder, thanks to a sly Purim twist. [Razor Apple]