At Live Earth, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and John Stossel continued their public feud over global warming. Ron Perelman and Gina Gershon are hanging out on Perelman’s yacht off the coast of Italy, but they may not be dating. Eliot Spitzer and Charles Schumer are weekend telephone buddies. Former Bronx congressman Mario Biaggi no longer holds a grudge against Rudy Giuliani, even though Giuliani successfully prosecuted him for bribery twenty years ago. Al D’Amato is happy he’s going to be a father again. Mel Gibson bought a $39.5 million estate in Greenwich, Connecticut. NBC accidentally featured Katie Couric in a Today-show promo. Hillary Clinton is hosting three Hamptons fund-raisers the first weekend of August.
Barbara Walters was shocked the Hiltons took the money instead of granting her Paris’s first post-prison interview. John Travolta likes big boobs. Guests at the wedding of Tony Parker and Eva Longoria received a lot of swag, including Bebe bags filled with Vitamin Water. Posh, Becks, and their three kids officially arrived in L.A. yesterday. Former Reebok chairman Paul Fireman is selling his Massachusetts country club for $33 million. Paris Hilton came home shoeless from a bash at L.A.’s Sunset Tower Hotel. Cindy Adams’s sources claim Britney Spears wants K-Fed back. Prince Harry’s nickname in the army is the “Ginger Bullet Magnet.”