• Jane mag is dead. [Radar]
• The Dow Jones board will meet with Ron Burkle today, but an alternative deal to Murdoch’s appears unlikely. [NYT]
• MTV Networks negotiated its upfront ad sales partly based on commercial ratings. [WSJ]
• Peter Barta, a former Legal Aid attorney, was charged with using a camera hidden in a clock to tape female co-workers undressing. [New York Law Journal]
• Skadden associates can be reimbursed for iPhones. [Above the Law]
• “What I Did on My Summer Vacation,” by U.S. Supreme Court Justices. [Legal Times]
• Prada denies reports that it is for sale. [Bloomberg via NYP]
• Nine West is branching out into denim. [Fashionista]
• The latest celebrity to foolishly launch a clothing line? Linkin Park singer Chester Bennington. [Racked]
• A hedge-fund meltdown didn’t prevent Bear Stearns’ James Cayne from taking a helicopter to play golf in New Jersey. [NYT]
• Institutional Investor puts out its annual list of twenty rising hedge-fund stars; over half are in New York. [Institutional Investor via Alphaville/Financial Times]
• No fear in the private-equity market just yet. Carlyle Group is so confident that it raised a new fund’s target to $17 billion from $15 billion. [LBO Wire via Deal Journal/WSJ]