
Still Barkin Up Ron’s Tree

Ellen Barkin claims that Ron Perelman owes her another $3.4 million because he promised to fund a production company for her and her brother. (She already got $40 million in the divorce.) Lindsay Lohan was dropped as the potential face of Louis Vuitton after stealing a lot of clothing during an Elle photo shoot. Sagg Pond in the Hamptons was jokingly renamed On Goldman Pond after Lloyd Blackfein and other GS employees bought houses on it. Some staffers at the Russian Tea Room claim the restaurant is haunted. Sumner Redstone may sell Paramount to settle family squabbling. Keith Richards did snort his dad’s ashes — just not with cocaine.

Cosmo made fun of Pete Wentz for wearing eyeliner. (As well it should have.) The NFL is producing a biopic about Vince Lombardi. This week’s covers of Life & Style and Us Weekly are nearly identical (both have Britney’s kids!), much to the chagrin of the more expensive Us Weekly. Ed Koch did not react well when a Time Out reporter asked if he’s gay. Paula Abdul snoozes in a chair while her makeup and hair people get to work. Brett Ratner wants to film a heist flick in Trump Tower, and Donald has given the go-ahead. Sean Penn and Hugo Chávez bonded in Venezuela. Former adult-movie star Marilyn Chambers is set to star in a PG family comedy.

Still Barkin Up Ron’s Tree