Madonna managed to get something else done this week while she was in town for the premiere of Guy Ritchie’s movie, Revolver. She filed suit against her Central Park West building’s co-op board, saying they blocked her from buying a neighbor’s apartment, which she had been planning to adjoin to her current 6,000-square-foot spread. (Hey, a girl needs room!) We imagine she feels the old biddies on the board should be grateful for her presence: After all, her building, Harperley Hall, 41 Central Park West, “was not one of the area’s more notable buildings until she put down roots there in the early 1990’s,” the Times said in 2003, noting that after her arrival, property prices had gone up by about 25 percent. Madge has had bad luck with co-ops before — she was rejected by the San Remo in 1985 — and was looking at townhouses earlier this year. “I believe she’s looking on the Upper East Side,” publicist Liz Rosenberg told New York back in March. Could this be the conflict that pushes Madge out of the Upper West Side for good? If so, we have two words for her: Palazzo. Chupi.
Madonna Sues Co-op Board [NYP]
There Goes the Nabe: Up, Up, Up [NYT]
Related: Madonna’s Condo Ray of Light [NYM]