Bushwick: All the ‘swhik kids are chipping in to help Steve Trimboli, who runs local indie-rock mecca Goodbye Blue Monday, pay his mountain of post-cancer bills. That’s nice. [VV]
Carroll Gardens: Who is trying to destroy the hood’s “Democracy Wall,” where locals post anti-development propaganda? Could it be … Councilmember Bill DeBlasio? [Gowanus Lounge]
Flatiron: The new Cemusa toilet’s going up in Madison Square Park! Weird to think that something so sleek will soon be crawling with germs. (Or are these things self-cleaning?) [Curbed, Promediacorp]
Fort Greene: Is it mere coincidence that the posh north side of Fort Greene Park has benches while the south side, abutting public housing, does not? Go sit and think about that. [Brooklyn Eagle]
Long Island City: The community board rejects a proposal for a housing complex for CUNY graduate students, perhaps fearing that loud paper-grading will disturb residents of the high-rise condos going up nearby. [Queens Chronicle]
Park Slope: …well, Montclair, New Jersey, really. Realtors here tout this boho suburb as “Park Slope West,” but some Slopies who’ve moved here say, yeah, well, great, but it’s still a suburb. [Gothamist]
Upper West Side: The elite Trinity School will cash out of the Mitchell-Lama program governing the apartments in the building over the school, likely pushing out residents, including its own teachers. [Gothamist]