Carroll Gardens: This video (beautifully shot despite the ominous, tragic background music) makes it perfectly clear that the hood’s Italian old-timers are not very happy about the newcomers. And yes, that sweet old guy Mario really says, “I like make-a da pizza. I make-a da people happy.” [YouTube]
Harlem: A pianist and composer will try to unload his beautiful brownstone near Mt. Morris Park, listed at $2.3 mil, by playing an in-house recital for brokers and curious potential buyers. The rowdy real-estate market’s going all highbrow on us! [Curbed]
East Village: What is that peculiar business setting up on the corner of Second and 11th? You know, the brightly painted exterior with the “Moroccan-style lamps” and many wooden cubicles inside? (By the way, here’s the juiciest account yet of the hood’s roving anti-yuppie protest last Friday.) [Vanishing NY]
Ferry Point Park: Here in the Bronx under the Whitestone Bridge, the city has revived plans to build a Jack Nicklaus–designed golf course on a toxic dump, foreseeing a $60 mil tab on a ditched Giuliani project that’s already cost $15 mil. [NYDN]
Red Hook: A shrink gives tips to help couples avoid purchase-related fights at Ikea, opening here tomorrow. Last-resort advice: “Leave the store. Just get out and go to the movies.” Ours: Work harder and make more money so you don’t have to shop here. [Brooklyn Based]
Ridgewood: It’s hypocritical for the city to say it wants to plant more trees in East New York but cut down trees right next door around Ridgewood Reservoir, charges this blog. [Save Ridgewood Reservoir via Queens Crap]
Upper West Side: Plea deals are sought by the dame duo caught last fall stealing jewels and stuff from open houses here and elsewhere (like in New Jersey: $75,000 worth from one house!). Also: They’re looking stylish in court! Whose closet did those sling-backs come from? [NYDN via Gothamist]