america's sweetheart

Palin Supporters to Provide More Fodder for Letterman Tomorrow

The very public spat between Sarah Palin and David Letterman has evolved into a kind of symbiotic relationship, providing Palin an excuse to hold numerous TV interviews, and Letterman with a well-timed ratings boost. It’s worked out great for everyone except Willow Palin, who, if we know 14-year-olds, isn’t enjoying hearing constantly about being hypothetically raped by A-Rod. Luckily, just as the controversy was petering out on its own, a group has organized a rally outside Letterman’s studio for 4:30 p.m. tomorrow to demand that the comedian be fired for a joke similar to one told by Jay Leno nine months ago. It’s being led by New York State assemblyman Brian Kolb, freelance TV legal analyst Gwendolyn Lindsay-Jackson, and radio host and documentarian John Ziegler. Now, we know what you’re thinking: Didn’t John Ziegler once go on a dating show and make the extremely misogynistic claim that an informed and rational woman is an oxymoron, and isn’t he therefore an odd choice to lead this protest? Yup!

Palin Supporters to Provide More Fodder for Letterman Tomorrow