Ever since developer Bruce Ratner announced that master planner Frank Gehry was out at his Atlantic Yards development and that midwestern stadium factory Ellerbe Becket would take over the design of his planned Nets arena, architecture fans have been nervous. In June, the design the firm turned out looked like a giant, heavy bunker. But then, last week, Ratner announced that Soho-based architects SHoP would be creating the arena, with the help and added experience of Ellerbe Becket. This week, their joint design was revealed: a glass-walled stadium (something Gehry had originally hoped for) covered by a sinuous netting that will jut out almost to the intersection of Atlantic and Flatbush. (More pictures are available in the Times slideshow.) What do you guys think? Is the sixth time a charm?
New Design Unveiled for Atlantic Yards Arena [City Room/NYT]
Related: The Battle for the Soul of Brooklyn [NYM]