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Finally: Kate Hudson and A-Rod Break Up

We’ve never been onboard with A-Rod and Kate Hudson’s romance. We don’t know why, exactly, but their being together just never made any sense to us. Like we just could not get inside their heads, if you know what we mean. Every time we tried we just got like, a terrible, hollow, buzzing sound. It was like the sound of pure emptiness, if emptiness had a sound. Which is why we welcome the news, first proffered by Bonnie Fuller’s Hollywood Life and confirmed by the shoe-leather reporters at Us, that the pair is officially over. What happened?

According to Hollywood Life:

A-Rod partied at Wall Lounge in the W Hotel Friday night, Dec. 11, “with two women,” said our source. “He was acting VERY single, and Kate Hudson was definitely not there.” Another insider confirms that Alex was with other women in Miami.

Okay, that means nothing — our intern partied with A-Rod. Give us something more.

The source also said, “Kate and A-Rod broke up.”

Well. We know Kate and A-Rod must not be sharing our joy in this — no one likes a broken heart, and famous hearts break harder than normal ones. But this was the right thing. We trust they’ll soon find more appropriate partners, like Chace Crawford and Jamie Jungers, respectively.

Kate Hudson & Alex Rodriguez Split? [Hollywood Life]
Source: Kate Hudson, Alex Rodriguez Split [Us]
Related: New York Intern Confesses: ‘I Was Hot Gal Next to A-Rod and His ‘Hot Gals’’

Finally: Kate Hudson and A-Rod Break Up