While supposedly in India shooting a BBC documentary, Lindsay Lohan tweeted about rescuing 40 child workers from a New Delhi workshop, except that she “was not even in the country when this raid happened.” And she’s selling her secondhand clothing on Lohanhouse.com. After Beyoncé and Jay-Z had dinner at Hotel Griffou, the restaurant’s Christmas tree caught on fire. Uma Thurman broke off her engagement with Arpad Busson because he “wanted to bring in his own chef and his own security.” Chris Brown had a Twitter temper tantrum over retailers refusing to carry his album, eloquently noting, “the industry can kiss my ass.”
Anna Wintour, Courtney Love, and a Jesus-less Madonna toasted Tom Ford at Monkey Bar after the screening of A Single Man. Jessica Simpson says she and Smashing Pumpkins front man Billy Corgan are taking their relationship slowly, also tweeting that the spiritual musician “has a pure and enlightened outlook on faith.” Alec Baldwin showed up at the It’s Complicated premiere with his ex Nicole Siedel, and when asked if they were back on, he replied, “She’s here, you can see her.” Fresh off of her starring royal role in Young Victoria, Emily Blunt had partygoers kiss her ring at the film screening’s after-party at Norwood.
A marked deputy car and an unmarked vehicle from the Florida Department of Family and Child Services visited Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren’s house on Saturday. Kellan Lutz was paid so little for the first installment of the Twilight series that he could barely afford his rent. He’s cashing in now, though. A tattooed Brian Bosnall, whose claim to fame is playing the youngest Keaton sibling on Family Ties, is charged with second-degree assault charges for beating a “friend” in the head with a wooden stool. John Mack’s retirement party at the end of the year is going to be pretty low-key. And after she was rejected on national television, former Bachelor contestant Melissa Rycroft tied the knot.
Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson brunched at Bubby’s and Christmas-shopped in Tribeca, while Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens brunched together in L.A., but left the restaurant separately. “Watcha Say” singer Jason Derulo hung out in the D.J. booth at Amnesia, while Chris Noth and Rachel Hunter partied nearby. Sienna Miller and her After Miss Julie co-star Marin Ireland cozily held hands at The Loss of a Teardrop Diamond’s New York premiere, and Miller also had dinner with a male friend at Delicatessan. Miley Cyrus canoodled with her The Last Song co-star Liam Hemsworth along the Champs-Élysées, though Cyrus will “neither confirm nor deny” the relationship. Christina Ricci is shooting a short film in the Soho Grand penthouse with Sting and Trudie Styler’s aspiring-director son. And Patti Smith and Ralph Fiennes have been going out around the city together, which clearly means they’re an item.