According to the Post, Governor Paterson is paying $25,000 for “a research book” on Governor elect Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, which means that either Paterson really is willing to go ahead with a potentially bruising primary battle, or that he wants to make Cuomo think he is. Opposition research would be a necessary component of such an undertaking, though, and as the Post points out, the pickings might be pretty slim for Paterson, since Cuomo has “been heavily scrutinized for some three decades as an aide to his father, former Gov. Mario Cuomo, as federal housing secretary, as a 2002 candidate for governor, as a 2006 candidate for attorney general and, since 2007, as a statewide office holder.” The person tasked with finding some new, damaging revelations is Judd Legum, the creator of the blog Think Progress and the man Hillary Clinton put in charge of “negative research” on Barack Obama during the presidential primaries. Of course, the guy couldn’t even find Obama’s Kenyan birth certificate/personal Koran/devil horns, so how good could he be?