You know you’ve got trouble when the Times starts calling you “allegedly” hunky. That’s where White House budget director Peter Orszag is right now, after the Post wrote a big story last week about how Orszag proposed to his bombshell new companion, Bianna Golodryga, not two months after his previous girlfriend gave birth to his child. Now Orszag is the subject of all sorts of scrutiny unusual for a low-key policy expert who probably spent third grade wanting to be a wizard when everyone else wanted to be a ninja. And as a result, spokespeople for the Office of Management and Budget, who probably spent third grade wanting to be spokespeople for the Office of Management and Budget, now have to field questions from tabloid columns about squishy personal topics that don’t involve numbers. In fact, the night the Post story broke, they stayed late to get ahead of the spin and make it clear that the White House budget director was totally broken up with his preggers gal pal before he hooked up with that way hotter chick. And people say the Obama administration is not finding better ways to put your tax dollars — and tax thinkers — to work!