
Isn’t It Always Best When It Snows at Night?

The blizzard that is set to hit the mid-Atlantic could dump four to eight inches on New York City, according to the Weather Channel. We’re scheduled to start getting flurries at around seven tonight, and continue to get dumped on for the next 22 hours or so. This is nice for various reasons: because it’ll start getting bad after we’ve finished our commute, because we don’t have to work tomorrow, and because it’ll be cleared up by Sunday when you’re going to be stumbling around drunk all afternoon screaming, “WHO DAT?” But the best part of this snow schedule is that we’re going to experience the first half of it at night.

Maybe it’s cheesy to say, but we love it when it snows at night in New York. Everything turns a lovely, dim shade of white, normally menacing bare trees and streetlights look pretty, and, because there’s less traffic, it takes all that much longer for the city to turn into a dangerous, gray slush pile. Tomorrow morning we’ll wake up hung-over and happy, and it will feel like a snow day. And the bonus aspect of this blizzard? D.C. is supposed to get 20 to 28 inches. Those suckers with their B-grade snowplow systems and sleeveless “performance fleeces” aren’t even going to know what hit ’em.

Winter Storm Watch for New York (manhattan), NY []

Isn’t It Always Best When It Snows at Night?