Governor Paterson’s press team is rapidly heading for greener pastures — or any pastures, really. Not that you can blame them. Less than two weeks after Peter Kauffmann, Paterson’s communications director, announced his resignation over Ticketsgate, his replacement, Marissa Shorenstein, has decided to step down as well. Shorenstein, according to the Times, was one of two aides who contacted Sherr-una Booker, the woman allegedly assaulted by David Johnson, on behalf Paterson. Paterson told Shorenstein “to ask [Booker] to publicly describe the episode as nonviolent,” though friends of Shorenstein — who has now lawyered up — told the Daily News that “she didn’t know Johnson was accused of brutally beating Booker, and believed the case was simply the fallout of a bad breakup.” Shorenstein gave a nod to this defense in the statement she released today.
Relatedly, does anybody crave one of the least-rewarding, highest-stress jobs in the world? Governor Paterson’s press office may be hiring.
Shorenstein Out » [Daily Politics/NYDN]