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Paterson Could Be Off the Hook in Yankees Scandal

For once, a David Paterson development that he’ll actually like! In his Free Yankees Tickets Scandal (always a sign things are going great when it’s necessary to differentiate between your scandals), Paterson was accused of soliciting tickets to the World Series and then lying about it under oath.

Today, though, his lawyer, Theodore Wells, produced e-mails sent among members of Paterson’s staff on October 7 and 8 that suggest Paterson was invited to the game on behalf of the Yankees. Wells included the e-mails — titled “Yankees Game Tomorrow — GDAP INVITE” (“GDAP” referring to Paterson) — in a ten-page letter in which he challenges the Public Integrity Commission’s claim that Paterson lied about how he got his hands on the tickets, as well as who paid for them. According to Wells, the e-mails “unequivocally demonstrate a good faith belief on the part of the governor’s staff that an invitation had indeed been extended.”

The report was rushed and any deliberations the commission had were clearly limited,” he wrote. “The entire process was flawed. It is not surprising that it led to the wrong result.”

This is the first time the governor has directly addressed the scandal, previously saying he couldn’t comment on the criminal probes. Well, Paterson must be so glad that he’s temporarily defused this scandal — it’s not like he’s got anything else going on!

Gov. Paterson brushes back ethics charges he lied about free Yankees World Series tickets [NYDN]

Paterson Could Be Off the Hook in Yankees Scandal