Today, for no immediately evident reason, the New York Post devoted 2,000 words (a veritable epic ode for the tabloid) to lavishly extolling the beauty and talents of Rose Kennedy Schlossberg. The daughter of Caroline Kennedy is “Jackie 2.0,” the tabloid says, because of her “flirty wide-set eyes” and “regal bearing.” We’re not going to argue with the thesis, as we don’t know Rose — though the fact that she was spotted hanging out with Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson at Harvard does raise some reasonable doubt. But the profile did teach us one thing we didn’t know about Jackie:
The former first lady was a regular presence in Rose’s life, right up until Jackie’s death in May 1994, when her granddaughter was 5. Jackie used to make regular visits to the Schlossbergs’ apartment for what she called a “roll around” with baby Rose. When Rose was a little older, “Grand Jackie” — the Schlossbergs’ name for “grandma” — would take her on outings.
“Grand Jackie”? Having a Waspy grandmother of our own, we’re betting that nickname was all Grand Jackie’s idea.
Jackie 2.0 [NYP]
“Grand Jackie”? Having a Waspy grandmother of our own, we’re betting that nickname was all Grand Jackie’s idea.
Jackie 2.0 [NYP]