oh albany!

Vetoing Thousands of Budget Additions Breaks David Paterson’s Heart

Governor Paterson said tonight he will veto all 6,900 budget additions and localized projects included in the budget approved by the state legislature earlier today. But lest you think the governor revels in this sort of thing, he said these are joyless proceedings for him.

“I never take any joy in vetoing education money, health care, services for the poor and the indigent,” he said. “It breaks my heart to do this.”

He explained he has to make the vetoes because, if he didn’t, it would be “proverbially kicking the can down the road and creating a greater problem.” The one relative bright spot: Paterson reassured that even if his vetoes withstand a potential overrule by the Senate’s Republican minority, the government will continue functioning without any shutdowns.

Paterson to veto Legislature’s budget additions [AP via NYP]
Related: New York Budget Situation Still a Big Mess

Vetoing Thousands of Budget Additions Breaks David Paterson’s Heart