ink-stained wretches

Major Garrett Took a Pay Cut to Go to the National Journal

Fox News’s departing White House correspondent Major Garrett just gave an interview to Media Matters — which, frankly, is news enough. The watchdog group isn’t exactly charitable in its relentless coverage of his network (or him, either). But Garrett’s amiability with his former foes indicate a certain willingness to move on from his gig. He told MM that he wasn’t forced out, and that he took a pay cut to go to the National Journal, where he’ll start in September. He also said work at Fox was sometimes stressful, especially during the White House’s much-publicized battle with the network last winter. “Was that stressful? Did it impart on me a certain amount of personal angst?” he asked. “Of course!”

Major Garrett on Fox, His New Job And The Briefing Room Seat Controversy [Media Matters]

Major Garrett Took a Pay Cut to Go to the National Journal