In the past, the people in charge of the global financial system were perhaps a little too sensitive. Had anyone been paying attention, they might have realized that Hank Paulson’s “freaking out” when a bird flew into the window of a conference room at Goldman Sachs was foreshadowing — a man who cries over wounded birds obviously would not have the stomach for pure capitalism and would end up bailing out banks just because the CEOs were his friends. But today we’re is a new era; people will no longer tolerate that kind of lily-livered behavior. Newly christened Barclays CEO Bob Diamond knows that. “We have to be very sensitive to the timing and the public mood,” he told the London’s Daily Telegraph during a recent interview, then illustrated his point by managing to keep it together when the following happened:
As he speaks, a bird thuds straight into his glass-fronted office at North Colonnade, Canary Wharf. “Boy, that’s gotta hurt,” Diamond says.
Bob Diamond: the case for the defence [Telegraph UK]
Hank Paulson Knows What It Sounds Like When Doves Cry [NYM]
Bob Diamond: the case for the defence [Telegraph UK]
Hank Paulson Knows What It Sounds Like When Doves Cry [NYM]