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Piers Morgan Has the Hubris for the Job

Following in the footsteps of the lackluster debut of Spitzer/Parker will be hard work for Piers Morgan, who will replace Larry King in the nine o’clock hour at CNN in January. Luckily, Morgan is not worried. He spoke with Deadline Hollywood Daily:

America’s Got Talent has been the No. 1 show for five years, Britain’s Got Talent has been No. 1 in the UK for four years, Life Stories is the No. 1 talk show in the UK, and I won Celebrity Apprentice. Losing is not really something I’ve either experienced on TV, or wish to experience … I was a journalist in Britain for 20 years, the youngest national newspaper editor for 50 years, and editor-in-chief of two big-selling newspapers for 10 years. Running a team of 400 journalists on stories like 9/11, Diana’s death, and the Iraq war. You don’t do that if you’re a halfwit. So prepare for fireworks.

Mmm. Fireworks. This guy is sounding more and more like Jack Donaghy every day.

CNN’s Piers Morgan Vows Format And Other Changes To Beat Fox News Competition: Promises “I’m Going To Be There To Win” And “It’s Time To Kick Some Ratings Butt” [Deadline]

Mmm. Fireworks. This guy is sounding more and more like Jack Donaghy every day.

CNN’s Piers Morgan Vows Format And Other Changes To Beat Fox News Competition: Promises “I’m Going To Be There To Win” And “It’s Time To Kick Some Ratings Butt” [Deadline]

Piers Morgan Has the Hubris for the Job