While the Facebook Breakup Notifier app, the Internet sensation that was quickly shut down this week, provided stalkers with an anonymous, passive means of tracking their crush’s relationship, the new WaitingRoom app gives users an active role in breaking them up. After you indicate that you’re anxiously awaiting a particular person to end it with the loser they’re currently dating, an e-mail is sent to that person letting them know that someone is in their “waiting room,” i.e., they have an interested suitor should they become single. Forty-eight hours after changing their relationship status to “single,” the identities of anyone in their “waiting room” will be revealed. “If you’re already in a relationship,” according to the app’s website, “WaitingRoom will give you the confidence to become single again — if that’s what you really want.” Unless, of course, the person in your waiting room turns out to be someone who just wants to ruin your life like the last guy you broke up with, for example.
Encourage Your Crush To Break Up With Creepy Facebook App [Mashable]