The House of Representatives has been miffed about President Obama’s handling of America’s involvement in Libya from the very start. In addition to the lack of a clear objective or strategy, Obama declined to seek Congress’s permission for the prolonged military action, and Congress doesn’t typically like it when that happens. Finally today, over two months after the war began, the House, in a 268–145 vote that crossed party lines, passed a resolution rebuking Obama and demanding “more information about the scope, cost and duration of the intervention.” A much more hostile measure to Obama’s war policy, one sponsored by Dennis Kucinich, would have compelled Obama to cease all operations in Libya within fifteen days, but it failed on a 148–265 vote.
House approves Boehner’s Libya resolution, rejects Kucinich proposal [Hill]
Party lines blur as House debates Kucinich, Boehner Libya resolutions [2chambers/WP]