The woman acquitted of killing her young daughter in Florida, thus briefly becoming the most hated person in the country, has looked for solace (and/or attention) in the place where being hated is a sort of currency: the Internet. Casey Anthony appears in a newly discovered, strange YouTube video with a blonde bob and glasses, speaking directly into the camera about probation and adopting a dog. She says it’s “just a little surreal how much things have changed since July and how many things haven’t changed,” and rambles about how nice it is to own a computer.
The clip appears to be from October, but showed up yesterday on a YouTube channel that features only two other videos, one of which is about Anthony’s murdered daughter Caylee. This incognito Casey could be a stellar impersonator, although NBC News has seemingly confirmed the veracity of the video diary. “It’s a little scary because I hate being on camera, but I don’t know,” says Anthony, who promises more dispatches. “I need to conquer that fear at some point.” Because she’s shopping a $750,000 television interview.