
Atlantic City Mayor’s Afternoon of Dejection

Via Wendy Ruderman / Twitter

This has been an awful week for Atlantic City Mayor Lorenzo Langford. Not only has a massive storm demolished much of his city, his very public feud with New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie got him left out of Christie and President Barack Obama’s disaster-zone tour. Instead of spending the afternoon with the president, Langford hung around an airport lounge outside an empty Air Force One, with a taunting television and a New York Times reporter for company. Thus, an account of his afternoon of dejection was preserved for posterity in the paper of record. “Despite the urgency of demands as his city started assessing the damage, Mr. Langford spent hours in the airport lounge, watching a television feed from CNN and shaking his head as images of the governor flashed on the screen,” reporter Wendy Ruderman wrote. Ouch.

Atlantic City Mayor’s Afternoon of Dejection