Apart from a minor tussle that reportedly led to one arrest, demonstrators in the second night of protests over a teenager shot by police last weekend were peaceful, but still extremely frustrated. And that frustration shows no sign of dissipating as more protests and memorials for 16-year-old Kimani Gray are planned through the week.
For the second night in a row, demonstrators — about 150 of them, according to DNAinfo — marched down Church Avenue to the 67th Precinct, where as many cops secured the barricaded building. But this time instead of hurling bottles, the protesters hurled what CBS New York described as “loud, profanity-laced chants denouncing police practices.” Per DNAinfo, “one brief clash occurred when protesters started pouring off the sidewalk into the street, but the demonstration mostly stayed under control.” With another vigil planned for Wednesday night, and a larger protest slated for Saturday, cops and protesters are going to have plenty of chances to figure out how to deal with one another.