crimes and misdemeanors

George Zimmerman’s Wife Might Leave Him

Photo: ABC News

Shellie Zimmerman, who pleaded guilty yesterday to a misdemeanor perjury charge stemming from her husband’s trial, may have gotten back at George for not showing at her court date by airing out their marriage on national television. After standing by his side during the entirety of the Trayvon Martin trial, Shellie said on Good Morning America this morning that she felt “very much alone” when he failed to accompany her in court on Wednesday. “I always want my husband’s support,” she said, but whether they’ll stay married is something she’s “going to have to think about.”

The couple was having problems even before the shooting last year, and Shellie wasn’t home the night George killed the Florida teenager. “I was staying at my father’s house,” she said. “We had gotten into an argument the night before and I left.” Asked how “volatile” it got, Shellie said, “Not going to answer that,” but later added, “George has never laid a hand on me nor has he ever used any sort of force.”

Going through the most high-profile murder trial in the country didn’t exactly help their rocky union. “We have been pretty much gypsies for the past year and a half,” said Shellie. “We lived in a twenty-foot trailer in the woods, scared every night that someone was going to find us and that we’d be out in the woods alone and that it would be horrific.”

Since his acquittal, George “is doing and thinking things that none of us can understand right now,” said Shellie, like visiting the gun manufacturer that made the fatal weapon he used that night. “Do you think that was right, sensitive?” asked reporter Christi O’Connor. “No,” said Shellie.

I’m so deeply sorry for their loss,” she said of Martin’s family. “I can’t even begin to understand the grief that a parent experiences when they lose a child.”

George Zimmerman’s Wife Might Leave Him