government shutdown

Screaming Religious Stenographer Feeling Great

The woman who commemorated the end of the government shutdown by yelling on the House floor about Jesus and Freemasons is doing just fine. Following her mental evaluation at a local hospital, Diane Reidy, a Capitol stenographer for more than eight years, told the New York Post, “I’ve never felt better. I’m glad that I fulfilled God’s mission for me, absolutely. It lifted a tremendous burden. It was a very hard burden to carry as you can imagine.” Her husband concurred, but admitted she hasn’t been getting much sleep since the shutdown.

Two weeks, waking up in the middle of the night. She’s like, I can’t sleep, God’s got me in the work,” Dan Reidy explained. “God was preparing her for this vote last night, because this was kind of the culmination of everything.”

He said it was the second time God has spoken through his wife, a Pentecostal Christian, but certainly the first with a massive, confused international audience. God knows how to pick his moments.

Screaming Religious Stenographer Feeling Great