Apologies to those who managed to forget, but MSNBC’s Martin Bashir made a poop-related comment about Sarah Palin a few weeks ago. He eventually apologized, Palin accepted the apology Palin-esquely, and — much to Alec Baldwin’s disappointment — that seemed to be the end of it. Now Politico’s Dylan Byers reports that MSNBC sources say that the network has temporarily suspended Bashir over the remarks. Bashir, who was out all week on what either was or wasn’t a typical Thanksgiving vacation, will not host his show tonight. When asked why Bashir wouldn’t be coming back to work on Monday like everyone else, MSNBC spokesperson Lauren Skowronski responded, “He’s still out on vacation,” and so far hasn’t responded to repeated follow-up inquiries about when he’ll return. So either Bashir is actually being punished, or Skowronski is having trouble getting out of vacation mode herself.