new york's finest

Bill Bratton and John Miller Bring Buddy-Cop Routine Back to CBS

Journalist turned law enforcement turned journalist turned law enforcement turned journalist turned law enforcement official John Miller was back at CBS today after leaving the network last week to join his old pal Bill Bratton at the NYPD (again). The new police commissioner said Miller, who is “the best,” was crucial to him accepting the position this time around. “I would not have, being quite frank with you,” said Bratton, if Miller didn’t agree to come, too. “I would have urged him to do it anyway,” added Miller.

Asked by his recent colleague Charlie Rose if he considers himself a reporter or a police official, Miller, who was hit last month for a weak 60 Minutes segment on the NSA, said, “There’s almost no difference.”

“The work of intelligence officers and reporters is extraordinary similar,” said Miller, who will work as the Deputy Commissioner for Intelligence. “You become a briefer. You tell your boss, ‘Here’s the bottom line. These are the potential responses. That’s kind of what you all do.”

John Miller Returns to CBS With Bill Bratton