The White House produced some amazing images in 2014, from Joe Biden eating an ice-cream cone in aviators to Biden merging with his Onion character while sitting in a Corvette to Biden inexplicably sitting way too far away from the president during their weekly lunch. There were some interesting images of President Obama, too, and chief White House photographer Pete Souza rounded them up for his sixth annual Year in Photographs. Below, we highlight some of the most interesting moments that flew under the radar. You should also check out the full collection, and Souza’s interesting commentary, though we feel Obama meeting a guy in a horse-head mask was robbed.
Despite what his CNN interview might have led you to believe, Obama wasn’t born with magical fly-swatting abilities; he spends a lot of time practicing his swing.
This kid is about a decade younger than Doogie Howser, and he got to examine the president of the United States. Where’s his TV show?
Republicans were a bit off when they called the president “Emperor Obama.”
The Founding Fathers never could have imagined that America would elect a guy named Barack Obama … then let a guy in a bunny costume stand next to him.
Here’s Obama’s response to everyone who freaked out when he leaned over the Chipotle sneeze guard.
This kid dreams of growing up to be Senate majority leader, just like Mitch McConnell.
Obama couldn’t believe that the most popular kids in the whole seventh grade wanted to talk to him.
The feud between President Obama and the Secret Service was actually about creative disagreements over their upcoming folk-rock album.