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DJ Khaled Loves His Newborn Son So Much That It’s a Meme Now

Photo: Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Sorry, I’m a bit late on this, but DJ Khaled — the music producer more famous for his Snapchat than any of his music — is the subject of a new meme. Well, he’s not the subject, his son, Asahd, is.

Khaled loves his 4-month-old son, who he describes as an executive producer on all of his music. Earlier this month, he explained to Jimmy Kimmel how Asahd’s reaction helps him figure out where to go artistically. So Khaled, whose brand revolves around relentlessly positive phrases like “we the best,” is his son’s biggest booster. He leaves inspiring comments on Asahd’s Instagram account, which he likely also administers.

But helicopter parenting has its downsides, and it’s now become a running joke about how attentive Khaled is to his son.

What a nice meme about a parent who loves his child! Very pleasant.

DJ Khaled’s Love of His Son, Asahd, Is a Meme Now